Congress Must Act to Protect Access to Telehealth With Longer-Term Certainty
In December, Congress extended critical telehealth flexibilities set to expire at year-end through March 31, 2025. While this three-month extension averted an immediate telehealth cliff, the significant uncertainty for patients and providers imposed by such a short extension clearly demonstrates the urgent need for longer-term, and ultimately permanent, protections for access to telehealth for millions of patients in the U.S., especially seniors.
The uncertainty imposed by the threat of a telehealth cliff every few months has a chilling effect on necessary investments in service offerings and technology for providers – and a negative impact on peace of mind for patients who rely on virtual care to help manage their health, or who would benefit from utilizing these services. Longer-term certainty for patients and providers is essential to unlocking the full potential of virtual care to strengthen our health care system. Telehealth has become a critical component of the care continuum, supporting better outcomes, lowering costs, and increasing access to care.
Telehealth has overwhelming bipartisan support, and support from leaders representing the full breadth of the health care community. In December, 100 lawmakers from both parties and chambers of Congress signed a letter urging an extension of telehealth services. They emphasized the need for long-term certainty to support investment in telehealth technology and care models, and their letter made it clear permanent telehealth legislation is broadly supported.
Telehealth Access for America (TAFA) is a public education campaign supported by more than 40 leaders in health care, including physicians, hospitals, telehealth and technology innovators, and patient and consumer advocates — all united in support for permanent solutions to safeguard patient access to telehealth services.
We look forward to working with the new Congress and new Administration to secure longer-term certainty for critical telehealth flexibilities before the next potential telehealth cliff at the end of March.
Patients and providers are counting on Congress to act.
Learn more about TAFA, and how Congress can act to protect access to telehealth for millions of Americans, HERE.